Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Top Problems that TV distributors Encounter with Their Products

By Marie Alvarez

Engaging in TV distributors business enterprise can be very profitable particularly if you've got a strong and trustworthy after-sales service reputation. This is exactly where majority of electronic traders fail because they do not really enhance their customer support well after the customer has gone home and utilized their tvs, for example. At times, problems don't occur within the 7 days right after a tv is bought, when this happens, customers frantically contact the service center and generally don't get what exactly they require. For this reason, purchasers need to choose the kinds of TV distributors that they're dealing with and verify with past clients if they truly uphold warranty deals and replace faulty items very easily and immediately.

Warranty Concerns

The majority of clients pay extra for long warranties that they don't get to utilize and when they do, most of them learn that the issues with their tvs cannot be covered under warranty agreement. Distributors need to explain it thoroughly with their clients especially if they're dealing directly with consumers. A few distributors skip the retailers and give their items directly for sale with end-users. When this happens, they have the obligation to make certain that their customers are able to triumph over legitimate warranty claims and will somehow be directed to capable service centers if their problems aren't covered by the agreement. Customers hate being left alone whenever something doesn't work out for their items.


Problems with pricing are also encountered by television suppliers. Distributors should naturally be able to offer cheaper products compared to retailers and issues occur when they directly deal with the customers and avoid retailers. Sometimes, they price their items similarly with retailers and get the ire of customers. An honest distributor will definitely give lower costs and super deals specifically for those who are trying to resell their own products.

Packaging and Delivery

Tvs are expensive pieces of electronics so naturally, customers would want their purchases to be handled with care. Nonetheless, if buyers purchase from online distributors and their items are sent, the products are at risk for getting destroyed by shipping and delivery. Often even if courier individuals mishandle the goods, the TV distributors obtain most of the beating from unhappy buyers. This is why they have to insure all the products when shipping them to their areas of destination. Also, clients are particularly compulsive with the way that their purchases are packed. They will definitely complain if they believe that their items were not appropriately readied for shipping and distributors should prevent this no matter what.

Oftentimes, even though issues happen because of third-party involvement, TV distributors still bear the brunt of giving excellent products and services to their customers. This is precisely why bad roads and bad delivery companies are not excuses to turn their own backs on client complaints. Furthermore, when distributors directly sell to their customers, they become advocates for their clients and represent and assist them when they have issues with their units. A good after-sales service truly goes a long way and this is the reason why clients will always buy from the same distributors all the time.

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